You’re Losing Money & There’s Something You Can Do About It
Incivility, or bad professional manners, are costing you. These costs are often camouflaged in culture; and as culture affects performance, performance affects the bottom line. Our solution provides clear and measurable results that will not only save you money but increase your performance.
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Here’s How It Works
To counter the rising tide of incivility at work, our team has developed a novel approach to building cultures of productivity and collaboration with a combination of fresh, insightful and witty content that address some of the most common challenges our clients face, then we paired those illustrations with micro-training that equips teams with insights and tools to strengthen relationships, improve collaboration, and build team momentum.
Our Content is unique and approachable at any level of the organization
Our illustrations comically establish common ground, [behavioral] standards everyone will agree to.
Our content provides relevant training and tools to correct destructive behaviors at work.
We’re in the business of strengthening relationships, improving collaboration, and building team momentum.
Our team has experience developing courses for Bain & Company, ExxonMobil, Haliburton, and industry leaders across a wide array of industries.