As we adjust to the changing work landscape due to COVID-19, we’re offering complimentary tools to develop your people.
We're sharing abbreviated versions of some our most popular courses free of charge. Each of these hour-long webinar-style courses speak to the challenges unique to our situation, yet common to so many of us now.
Explore the work/life value of Resilience & Grit. We'll take a look at how these qualities affect us personally and professionally and the best ways to develop these attributes for ourselves and our teams.
With more employees working remotely, teamwork takes on an even more urgent role. Learn the three things the most powerful teams have in common, and how to develop them in your team(s).
When pressure is high, it’s easy to take your eyes off the most important tasks. Learn the signals of stalling and how easy it is to fall into the trap of trivial things at the expense of more important things.
As if we’re not already distracted in life, working from home presents an entirely new dynamic of distraction. Learn skills to focus and deepen productivity. This module sheds light on common mistakes and faulty thinking that lead to multi-tasking and low productivity.
Interested? Let us know.
If you’d like a live-online experience for your team, please contact us here. We're excited to help you and your people adapt, develop, even thrive as we adjust to a new normal.