How to Work With Us

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Here’s how to work with Values Worth Sharing; As you identify the topics important to you and your team, choose modules from our library that best match your needs. 

Here’s how to put our content to work for you.  First, visit our website at (                ) and browse our library of 20-50 minute micro- modules, and choose subjects that best match your needs. Each topic is designed to be a perfect balance of’ short enough to maintain attention, and long enough for insightful discussion, learning and behavioral change. 

Review our online T3 material to learn how to best facilitate that specific module. 

Each module includes Trainer Resources; videos of the presentation and speaker’s notes to prepare you -novice OR pro- to expertly facilitate that topics.

We recommend focusing on a topic per month to ensure depth and practice before moving on to the next module. 

We suggest focusing on one module per month to deepen learning and make lasting changes in behavior. 

Once you started training material we encourage rotating team members to facilitate different modules involving learners as the teacher increases engagement and retention. 

We also suggest rotating facilitators, by including members of your team. Involving others in this way dramatically increases adoption and retention of the material.

Although the instructional design is done our modules are fully customizable if you want to adapt material to better suit your needs.

Each of our modules have been developed by a world-class instructional design team, yet are completely customizable to suit your individual circumstance and scenario.  Feel free to add your own humor or anecdote to personalize your presentations

Each course recommends specific action steps to close the gap on team and individual performance.

As you begin facilitating topics, emphasize our action plans to begin closing gaps with individual and team behavior and performance.

Our tools and tips with each module provide tools to enhance accountability and sustainability. 

Finally, use the tools and tips section for ideas on how to reinforce a module’s concepts; during, or in the month following your session.   

With our growing library of content you're sure to find modules that can help you make lasting change

And that’s it! You’re ready to begin having concentrated, fun learning experiences that move the needle one behavior and performance. 

Our growing library of content will ensure that you can continue to find topics relevant to you and your people. 

At Values Worth Sharing, we’re committed to Transformation not Training.