Course Content
Hello friends!
Thanks for attending our webinar on January 23, 2019. Many of you have requested a copy of the recording, so you’ll find that video immediately below. For your convenience, we’ve also included all of the course resources for this module, should you want to share this with your own teams.
We are confident this module will spark the beginning (or continuation) of rich dialogue and engagement with your teams. Also, keep in mind this module serves as a pattern for our other courses on a variety of topics that can improve culture and performance. If you enjoyed this course, you’ll love the rest of our content.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me directly.
With gratitude,
Chris Jones | 801.856.1822 |
Webinar Recording (1.23.19)
Course Content
The Cost of Incivility
This module explores several facets of incivility and its effect on team dynamics.
Recognizing the many faces of incivility
Group exercise: identifying/classifying uncivil behavior
Understanding the price of incivility
Social experiment (3 videos)
The collateral effect of incivility
Exploring the root cause of incivility
Toxic culture assessment
Understanding the difference between toxic and hostile
Preventing/repairing hostile work environments
Addressing the root cause of incivility
How the BMCBF series works
Course Introduction
In this short video, we’ll demonstrate our recommended approach to teaching this content. This video is designed for group facilitators only and is not appropriate for a learning audience.
Train the Trainer Video
Sample slides found in the TRAINING
Additional Curated Content
We’ve curated some of our favorite TED talks on the topic of workplace incivility. As you explore its impact on your business and how you might address this with your team, these thought leaders can provide additional insights.
Additional Resources
One of our favorite no-nonsense thought leaders, Simon Sinek discusses factors that influence job satisfaction, longevity, and employee retention.