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Dear Channel Partner,

I'm excited to partner with you in promoting Values Worth Sharing as part of our Referral Partner Program! We believe there's great value in learning with a purpose; we aim to improve civility in the workplace and to help people develop personally AND professionally.

VWS content is designed to fill the gaps in learning and training not often taught by formal education. Any group -large or small- can benefit by engaging in greater awareness, discussion and development of the topics we cover. I.e., More Effective Meetings, Channeling Negativity, Keeping Ego's in Check and The Cost of Incivility, just to name a few.

As you help your clients, contacts and friends realize the hidden costs of incivility, they'll thank you. So will their employees. And their customers.

We want you to be successful in bringing "referred customers" along the path to becoming and qualified contract. Qualified contracts are paid at 10% of the gross revenue received. The simple 2-page agreement is attached with full detail.

Here are some things to consider:

With gratitude,


Director of Business Development



Take a look at our course index.

When we share this with customers and ask them to pick their top 3 they’re interested in, they say, “We need all of them!”


Referral Partner Registration

Do you want to grow your business and income potential with uncommonly good content? Partner with Values Worth Sharing and watch your bottom line grow.
