Webinar Invitation
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Have you considered the potential cost of workplace incivility at your business?
Rudeness chips away at your bottom line if it goes unchecked. Remember, most employees fail to report incivility because they’re worried about retribution or being perceived as a complainer. Instead, they worry in silence and get less work done.
Studies show that an employee who feels disrespected becomes stressed and is more likely to:
Avoid offering new ideas and solutions
Deliberately decrease their productivity
Lower the quality of their work
Avoid offering help
Steer clear of the offender, creating inefficiencies
Take their frustrations out on customers
Spend less time at work
Leave the company
Perhaps worst of all, when incivility spills into customer view, it reflects poorly on your company and makes customers uncomfortable (and more likely to take their business elsewhere).
What can you, the business leader, do to promote a more civil workplace?
Join us for the answers by registering for our 90 Minute, Values Worth Sharing: Business Can Be Fun Webinar, The Hidden Cost Of Incivility. You can find all the details it at (Land Page Link)
This is webinar, we will training you how to proactively address your workplace culture and take steps to minimize the instances of rudeness and reinforce respectful, acceptable behavior.
You’ve heard it before: Leaders must exhibit the behavior they want to see in their employees and create stronger connections with their team members. You’ll learn exactly how to connect with your team and create great results, even if you don't have a trainer knowledge, we will show you steps that you can take today!
Our XX Minute, Values Worth Sharing: Business Can Be Fun Webinar, The Hidden Cost Of Incivility will also teach you:
How to model good behavior. This means you must police yourself and always speak politely and respectfully to everyone. No raised voices, no cutting remarks, no door slamming, no talking over people, no sideways glances that stop employees in their tracks, no teasing remarks that sting.
How NOT to make excuses. If an employee feels disrespected, it doesn’t matter what you think. It matters what they think because it’s bothering them enough to step up and talk to you.
How to hold everyone accountable all day, every day. Incivility is often the result of thoughtlessness, stress, unconscious bias or misjudgment of group norms, and often can be corrected with a mild reminder.
How to define acceptable conduct. Because different departments may have their own norms of behavior, it can be helpful to let your team create a list of what’s acceptable conduct and what’s not.
How to hire and train for civility. As you interview candidates, pay attention to how they treat everyone they encounter, from the receptionist to potential teammates.
How to pay attention to the larger world. You can prevent such negative behaviors from infecting your business by talking to employees who seem stressed by a news event, the economy, overwork or personal situations.
Our team has read thousands of books and hundreds of courses to learn what really works in the workplace and they are covered in Our 90 Minute, Values Worth Sharing: Business Can Be Fun Webinar, The Hidden Cost Of Incivility.
But let’s be real, you need answers NOW! By attending you will have proven tips and strategies and how to train you staff and use TODAY within minutes of attending our webinar.