Myth Making
Learn how the ground-breaking study on cognitive bias can help your team(s) avoid costly mistakes. In this course, you’ll discuss how to recognize faulty thinking, inflated self-assessments, recognize blind spots, and discover business myths that often masquerade as facts - precisely because they feel like facts. If there’s one course every company should take, it is this course on organizational myth making.
Introduction to the Dunning Kruger Effect
Case Study on human wrongness
Explore the root cause of faulty thinking
Observe how ill-informed ideas can spread like a virus
How the Dunning Kruger Effect manifests at work
Important tools and insights on overcoming the all-too-common Dunning Kruger Effect at work
Demonstrate functional knowledge of cognitive biases & data fallacies that affect personal and professional life.
Analyze personal strengths and assess bias risks, then make an action plan to manage that bias.