What is courage? A superhero overcoming evil? A fireman rushing into a burning building? A soldier braving enemy fire to protect their squad? Certainly, these are great examples of classic bravery and courage, but what about you and me? Aren’t “normal” people courageous as well?
In this webinar, we explore “courage without the cape.” You’ll discover that we are all more courageous than we realize, and with a little direction, each and every one of us can understand courage and develop it in our own lives.
We’ll discuss the irony of how facing our fears actually increases our courage. We’ll explore how to develop the courage to see things differently, the kinds of things that hold us back instead of propelling us forward. Finally, we’ll share tools to help you act with new-found courage.
Join us for this inspiring, informative course on how to develop the courage you’ve always had, and have yet to experience.