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What’s the greatest predictor of achieving what you want in life? If your first thought was “intelligence” or “hard work” or even “luck,” you’re partly right; those are all qualities essential to success. Experts agree, however, those traits are extraordinarily useful only if you also, possess Resilience and Grit.  Resilience is the ability to recover from setbacks quickly, and Grit is seeing things through to the end. Combined, Resilience and Grit are greater predictors of success than any of these other admirable qualities.

In this fun, informative module, we take a look at cutting-edge research and thought leadership on Resilience & Grit. We’ll show you the definition and difference between Resilience and Grit, and why it matters. We’ll share inspiring examples of how we’ve benefited as a human race from an individual’s Resilience and Grit. And lastly, we explain where Resilience and Grit come from and some tools to develop these traits for yourself.

Join us for this informative, enjoyable exploration of Resilience and Grit and how you can learn to develop these essential attributes.  



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